A German is somebody who is from germany, that is a little country in the center of europe it called by themselves Deutschland.
They are not at all a nazis!! The german popolution hates them and called them "ugly pigs".
At the votes the nazis just got something under 2% and thats just because a lot of people think that the economy is bad because there are a lot of foreigner in the country.
Soccer is the germans favorite sport and they have very good beer!
Germans can drink wine and beer with 16years and high %stuff like wodka or whiskey with 18.
Germans are nice people and not aggressive or all time bad. They have a very big social network that keeps u from the baddest poor or helps u to don`t get homeless.
Germans give every year a lot of money to other countrys to help them in their econemy, only the netherlands spend more money for that in europe.
German hates the british people more than the french.

Germans are good people with a hard but nice language!
german: "Hi, I`m thoms and I`m from germany"
dude: "oh so u are a german"

by german dude!! December 31, 2005
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adj a person who was either born in Germany, has acquired German citizenship or was born to German parents; a term used to describe a person that displays stereotypical German characteristics such as exactness, accuracy, correctness, organization, cleanliness, planning, self discipline, extensive world knowledge, love of travel, distaste for sexism or racism, multilingual capacity, and unnatural humour.
David: Wow, can you believe Hans goes to sleep at exactly 10:00 PM every night and wakes up at 5:00 AM to go jogging?

Rudy: Obviously, he's German.
by reptheother November 29, 2007
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A living thing similiar to an organism. Germanisms usually have blonde hair, blue eyes, and moody personalities. Most germanisms live in or are descended from the country of Germany.
Human: Are you an organism?

Germanism: No, I'm a Germanism.
by Arjan912 June 29, 2009
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To get absolutely catastrophically destroyed without hope of a full comeback.
"Did you see Germany vs England?"
"Yeah 4-1, they got Germanated"

"Brazil.7-1 huh?"
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A person that is from germany. They are not nazis, are legal to drink at age 16, the best product of germany is beer. They do NOT run around in Lederhosen, nor do they only eat Sauerkraut.

German women are usually very attractive, but only up to a certain age.

German men are pretty attractive too, but do not have the greatest personalities.

Germans have one of the highest alcohol tolerances in the world, and love to party it up.
Also: germans have a funny accent when they speak english at first.
Girl 1: I tried talking to this hot german dude yesterday..
Girl 2: And?
Girl 1: He cockblocked himself with that accent. I started laughing hysterically.

Guy1: Shiz, man. Did you see what that german drank yesterday?
Guy2: No, why?
Guy1: He just absorbed anything alcoholic close to him!
Guy2: Thats the germans!
by TinaNirvana January 7, 2011
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Well, I can't define this because I'm Justin Bieber!
Person 1 : What's your opinion about the Germans?
Justin Bieber : wat? who r germans? r dey sum kind of germs?
by Death616 June 24, 2010
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A person that comes from Germany. Can be serously offended by the terms "Jew," "Hitler," and "nazi." They can be incredibly sweet and are willing to fight for the ones they love. They usually loves with all their heart and soul.
"Honey, where's Holland?"
"In the Netherlands!!"
"It is? I thought it was its own country... where are you from again?"
"I'm german!! And no its not!!!!!! It's more of a region!!!"
"Since when?"
"Since forever!!!!!"
"You don't have to yell at me."
"I'm sorry. I love you."
"Awwwww....all better!"
by Lindsey Pilger January 19, 2007
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