When you reach down to adjust your junk, and everybody’s watching, and all you can do is play it off like, “Yo. Whaddup. This goes out to everybody in the house tonight.”
His underwear wasn’t feelin’ his drop-crotch pants, so he pulled out the Party Starter as he rolled to the bar.
by Tommy_John October 13, 2015
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A question or topic that creates a dialogue between two or more people. These 'starters' are some of the most elusive and hard to think of bastards on the face of the Earth, and without them one is left with awkward silence. A lack of starters is common at the beginning of a relationship, when speaking to someone not entirely familiar to the speaker, or when conversing with any female.
Guy: Hey what's up?
Girl: Nothin' much....
(awkward silence)
Girl: Well, see ya later......
Guy's totally deprived penis: Blast! why couldn't i think of a conversation starter?
by Zuktax December 5, 2009
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A girl that's typically ugly and hopeless of getting a decent man in her lifetime and is used to practice sexual experiences so that one may be experienced for the future.
Have you got a starter girl yet?
by LyingEyes March 22, 2007
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The type of guy a woman dates during her directionless phase and not caring whether or not he is a fully functioning adult with aspirations beyond being a basic fuckboy. More likely than not she is dating him till it gets boring and her ambitions will carry her elsewhere while he tries to recapture the glory of his adolescence but with no actual plan beyond where to "get lit." This is the guy that if a woman's period is late while dating him, she will legitimately panic because the thought of keeping him is absolutely opposite to the concept of a healthy relationship or for that matter a partnership in co-parenting.
by ShoNuff77 May 16, 2017
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1. The sad, pathetic and always disgusting beginings of a moustache,
a starter-stash specifically refers to pubescent boys.
Tina: Hey check out that hunk!
Trixie: EW yeah right look at his starter-stash, looks like he got into a garden of pubes!
Tina: GAG, yur right.
by luxla October 28, 2007
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torchic line chicken that rosted it's self
Mudkip line an axolotl that grows a fuck tone of mussel
treeko line raptor gekkos with swords
by Life is wrong April 2, 2019
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1. Decorative elements used to enhance the appearance of an individual or vehicle, but which fall short of being the truly desirable, attention-getting, show-off elements the owners think they are.

2. Cheaper "knock-off" or lower-grade versions of trendy decorations or jewelry designed to show off wealth. Due to the inherent contradiction (cheap stuff to show off wealth?), a somewhat ridiculous expenditure of effort.
1. Lookit that guy thinkin' he's so cool - he's got 14" faux-chrome spinners on a 1995 Honda. That's just some poseur-ass STARTER BLING!

2. My 15-year-old niece wanted me to take her to the mall so she could get some STARTER BLING, so I bought her a bracelet with about 100 cubic zirconias on it.
by POP944 January 23, 2006
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