A very nice alternative browsing experience. Most useful is the plugin firesomething that generates all my workday insults.
Hey who ate the last doughnut?
You don't need it, cock gobbler!

I am so tired of upgrading!
Whatever, mph, there are no DSO exploits.
Did you take the last beer?
by the Kingfisher November 8, 2004
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Idiotic psycopathic maniac: I love Internet Explorer! Eet keecks azz!!
Master's Degree Rocket Scientist/paleontologist/biologist: Firefox kicks IE's ass.
by Overlord Oozumpti July 23, 2009
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Mozilla Firefox (fx) a fast and useful browser that is open source and provides many add ons developed by regular people like you and I, and is known for it's speed and extensions.

Good browser, but is not the best. There is no such thing as the best as every browser has its pros and cons. Firefox uses a lot more memory than others (Safari, IE7, Opera) Firefox 3 that recently came out is extremely buggy and disappointing.

Yes, it may be better than IE7, and Firefox compares itself against IE7 all the time, obviously, because they cannot beat Opera. Opera is truly the fastest and lightest browser yet no one sees it because Firefox is extremely overrated.
Person 1: IE sucks, Firefox wins! They even said it on their site, they have so much more!

Person 2: But Firefox never compared itself to Opera.

Person 1: Oh... right... Umm.. well Firefox.. I like..
by Underwater Ruins July 11, 2008
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A mysterious animal who will one day take over the world. They could be anywhere. Many disguise themselves as humans so that they can blend in and spy on the human population. Forefoxes are everywhere. Beware of their call.
One day firefoxes will take over the world! I love firefoxes!
by firefox21 May 14, 2011
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Incredibly good internet browser that computer g33ks hype up to the point that it sounds cheap. Though they are only sticking up for their random h4x0r friends who helped write the open-source code, it really hurts the rep of such a great program.
PersonA: Hey, sup?
PersonB: Nm. u?
A: Nm. Have I told u to get firefox yet?
B: omg
B: Will you justSHUT UP about it already?
A: OK, geez...
A: It is good, tho.
PersonB is away at 11:38 PM
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Best browser out there. Oh, it only uses more resources than IE because IE is integrated in windows, therefore, IE uses all the resources that windows ues :p, it is slower for the same reason, it isn't integrated, but, it isn't a security hole, plus, it isn't made by microsoft, double plus, and it is much cooler, too cool to use with windows, switch to LINUX you fools! And drop the mac off in a dumpster on the way. Peace!
A "Hey, you seen that firefox!"
B "Yo mom, in bed!"
A "Man, I am gonna smack the penguin into you!"
B "Yo mom smacked my penguin"
A "That goes for all you firefox haters, grow some balls!"
by spazticclown August 12, 2005
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