The form of a female vagina in which the labia is seemingly missing. A slit is all that is present looking almost exactly like the mouth of Ernie from Sesame Street.
by caesar h April 15, 2008
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A term used towards a friend or partner who does or says something stupid.
"Errr Brad, you ernie burger, of course I love you!!"
by cocopop January 18, 2007
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Sexual term when two dudes give each other hand jobs in separate beds.
Those two room mates are so homo, they probably give each other Bert and Ernies all the time.
by Intrepid Traveler February 16, 2012
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Where a person is shitting on the toilet and describing it in great detail to their partner who then has to vomit and does so into the lap of the person on the toilet.
A guy was wrapping on the toilet and describing his creamy bowel movement to his girl who had just finished eating, she gagged twice before she couldnt fight it any longer and proceeded to give her guy an Ernie Special and vommited onto his lap.
by Einre June 15, 2019
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A sexual position originating from Bristol involving two men - similar to the infamous '69', both participants simultaneously receive oral sex by lying in opposite directions. However, the 'Bert and Ernie' has the two participants lying firstly in foetal position, then when things get more intense, the participants wrap their legs around each other's heads, creating a 'Ying-Yang' effect. This allows the position to become mobile, and the participants are then free to move around the bed, even letting them leave the bedroom and roll through the house.
Tom: "Hey dude do you wanna try the Bert and Ernie?"
Odell: "Yeah man isn't that the one where we roll around like a transformer?"
Tom: "I know a guy who tried it and said it really broadens the mind"
Odell: "I'm down."
by Brother Ernie May 5, 2021
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When someone poops in a urinal, it's called a 'standing ernie'.
I went to the gas station last night to take a big fat juicy dump, when I noticed that someone did a standing ernie.
by Brokedowning/PG November 28, 2017
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A completely incompetent kentucky govenor who will never be reelected and should rethink his decision to go into politics
see dumbfuck
Pass a budget??? No way, we've got Ernie Fletcher
by oldladysgivegum July 15, 2006
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