This nigga is so fucking gay. He has hella pimples he probably has aids froms his dad putting his dick in his asshole. He is also a fucking pussy. His dick be the size of a baby carrot.
Enrique is the most amazing gay person on the sheets ever.
by John prathu November 5, 2019
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A gay guy who sometimes drinks dumb Bitch juice, who doesn’t listen to his friends advice and like to not worry and have sex a lot.
Oh my gosh did you hear where enrique had sex last night?
by BadB01 December 20, 2018
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Larry was infinitely more Enrique than Chester, and Adam, because they were filthy bums.
by GashBash92 January 23, 2019
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He's your gay bestfriend. He's one of your best gay friends and sweetie you know quite a few gays. He's one of the best. But don't let his seemingly kind attitude and gestures get you, he can turn in an instant. He will snatch ya weave in a split second and you will gladly take that bitch down only to help him back up and share a pizza.
Me: Hot damn bitch chill with the attitude

Enrique: bitch I couldn't even if I tried
by Memepowerteam March 16, 2019
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