IRC celebratey
howDAY br0 ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
by Anonymous September 21, 2003
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Mix of cunt and douche bag. Generally a comedic insult.
John: hey bob

Bob: kiss nut you stupid dunt bag

John: ..... Ok
by Diggins August 27, 2009
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To consume two capsules or pills in one gulp. Normally used in the consumption of ecstacy.
"I just double dunted a couple of biscuits man, I'm well out my tits."
by Shaggatron June 18, 2009
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1. n - Underwear which is extremely small or tight fitting especially to the crotch reigion.
2. n - Nut huggers, witey tighties, itty bitty draws, banana hammoks, or bikinis.
3. n - That which any man should not wear in public.
Guy: Im wearin my dunta dunts.
Girl: Dunta dunts?
Guy: Dun-ta Duuuuuuuuuuuuunt!!!!
Girl: Ewwww... Nut huggers!
by Peetiewonder April 29, 2005
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Used when saying "Let's Dunt", meaning 'let's go', or lets' leave'

Derived from the term "lets dunununu", which is derived from saying "let's- (then humming the words to ludacris's song 'rollout'",

Dervived from the term "Let's Rollout", meaning, "Let's Go"
EX: "God i'm sick of the cafe, let's dunt."
by Alien 1111 September 27, 2006
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A word to describe a moist and damp cunt.
"I like that girl a hell of a lot but I wish she would wash her munty dunt"
by Littlemonkeymouth January 10, 2018
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