NOUN. A person of abnormally (and sometimes amazingly)low intelligence that often is so perplexed by even the most simple ideas or tasks they are commonly found giving you that blank ass stare that makes you want to reach back and slap them because they look so stupid or sometimes they are found acting on the most ubsurdedly retarded thought process that the same slapping reaction may occur.

It should also be noted as a precautionary measure that duh-dunt-duh-dunts can actually spread their duh-dunt-duh-duntism to others and being a complete moron may actually be spreadable
Ulysses is such a complete duh-dunt-duh-dunt!!!! I asked him to get me change for a twenty, and after being gone for an hour he brought me back the same 20 dollar bill and said he didnt understand exactly what i wanted
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underwear briefs that should only be worn as a child.
Why are you still wearing da dunt da dunts at your age,put on some boxers
by reno July 22, 2006
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Mix of cunt and douche bag. Generally a comedic insult.
John: hey bob

Bob: kiss nut you stupid dunt bag

John: ..... Ok
by Diggins August 27, 2009
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To consume two capsules or pills in one gulp. Normally used in the consumption of ecstacy.
"I just double dunted a couple of biscuits man, I'm well out my tits."
by Shaggatron June 18, 2009
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1. n - Underwear which is extremely small or tight fitting especially to the crotch reigion.
2. n - Nut huggers, witey tighties, itty bitty draws, banana hammoks, or bikinis.
3. n - That which any man should not wear in public.
Guy: Im wearin my dunta dunts.
Girl: Dunta dunts?
Guy: Dun-ta Duuuuuuuuuuuuunt!!!!
Girl: Ewwww... Nut huggers!
by Peetiewonder April 29, 2005
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