A woman, who panics and feels miserable if she doesn't get sex immediately, when she wants. Antonym: a paragliding pilot, who knows that thermals come and go, and after a missed opportunity there will be plenty of others to grasp.
Linda is a real drama queen, threw a big tantrum after I turned to the wall after a few strokes.
by HomerGyula December 15, 2015
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A girl who is simply a diva, and is always dramatic about everything for the sole purpose of gaining attention.
by kingdanny July 22, 2015
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OMG Katherine is such a drama queen. She always likes to start drama, and never like to admit she is wrong.
by netherese January 19, 2021
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A person who consumes a large amount of Dramamine, a kind of under-the-counter motion sickness medication. This is done to reach the desired altered state of consciousness. See OTC abuse.
Kelly was such a drama queen last night. She ate 20 dramamine pills last night and was the most fucked up Ive ever seen her.
by burdur69 April 10, 2010
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A person, either male or female, that uses Facebook as a source to create nothing but drama for no other reason than to do so or to get attention/sympathy.
All that girl does on Facebook is complain about everything. She's such a Facebook Drama Queen ffs.
by Jimsmash June 13, 2010
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When some one makes a remark that is so dramatic that a drama queen point must be awarded, and pinned to the lapel.
Drama Queen: Oh my god its so hot I'm going to die!!

Friend: Your going to die? Really? Here is a drama queen point for you! Pin it to the lapel - wear it with pride.
by MacDaddy and Charl June 30, 2006
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Attention seeker who periodically (or habitually) deactivates their FB account so as to solicit messages of concern for that person's well being. The Drama Queen will then reactivate their account a week later and accumulate "Welcome Back" and "We were so worried" wall postings.
"Hey, did you notice Joanne's not on FB any longer?"
"Oh, she'll be back. She's nothing but a little Facebook Drama Queen seeking attention."
by fleck2 March 23, 2012
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