Some really good weed preferably a bomb smell and numerous hairs and/or crystals.
My connection always has that danky mcdank man; fuck your dealer!
by Robb H2 December 11, 2007
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The term Danky bash is used when you or some one else had a prolonged/Great masturbation session in which you or some one else ended up climaxing multiple times during that masturbation session.
Dude yesterday I was watching this new porno that came out on youporn and I ended up having the greatest danky bash ever.
by The Great Danky May 31, 2015
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Having sex after smoking some high-grade marijuana. Often results in the following: copious amounts of sleep, eating, pregnancy, learning difficulties, and onset of adventurous ideas, seizures, cardiac arrest, convulsions, paranoia, brain damage, bursts of energy, sudden death, increased driving and video game skills, restless leg syndrome, new pets, learning incredibilities, and long walks with your drug dealer.
Jim: Yo, i heard you pulled a Danky Panky with Jess the other night.

Frank: Yeah dude, we smoke 4 bowls then got at it.
by aaaaaaav September 20, 2010
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Noun: A friend who is so retardedly bitchy and annoying and can not be described as anything other than a "danky hoe".
Noun: A hooker that has perfected the act of being danky.
Noun: A hooker that exceeds the "hoe-ness" of an average 1st street hooker.
Adjective: A negative and highly insulting world meant to inflict a large amount of suffering on the human conscience.
Adjective: A word used to describe something that contradicts everything moral in this world.
Hot Sexy Chick : "Hey wanna go see a movie with me tonight? (:"
Kid With Car : "Sure :D "
Hot Sexy Chick : *calls another guy on the phone* "Hey baby I got a ride to the movies tonight, see you there! (; lovee youuu byeeee<3 *hangs up*
Hot Sexy Chick : "Pick me up at 7(;" *walks away*
BillyBobJoeBob III : "You danky hoe.."
by IEatMuchoRice March 31, 2010
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A lazy quadruped with the tendency to indulge in illegal substances
Babe wake up, Danky Marsupial just dropped a new video
by DrewRice February 3, 2023
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