Spanish or Scarface version of the English term "crucial"; also used when something is very crucial or when something very crucial has happened or is about to happen
Dede: If he makes all of these free throws they'll win the championship
Arjun: Muy Cruciale !
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when a outfit or piece of clothing is very nicely looking but instead of it jsut being plain simple drip. It’s cruical drip, like drip but x10.
did you see her drip today,it was crucial drip
by kinleyahhhhyea October 31, 2019
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Godly object. Generated by Christian after putting in Raysels garbled gibberish into babelfish.
Chibi_Saiyan_Christian: Is afraid me. I transmit the crucial drophammer, those women who rob you!

<Victim> OMFG~
by Anonymous July 31, 2003
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You know how sometimes your out, at, let's say a party or gallery opening, or whatever the fuck it is people do, and then this squad of dudes roll in, and something doesn't quite feel right? Like maybe they got mixed up in looking for some party that was going to be way better than the one your at actually is, and all of a sudden the shit gets real hot. And you talk about it for weeks. And kids who weren't there cry like jerks with skinned knees: 'Ahhh, how did I miss that shit, it sounds so good.'

That's what it's like everywhere Crucial dudes go.

They drink 40's better than you.

They probably look better than you.

They are way funnier than you.

They ride bikes better and make better artwork and have bigger dicks and beards than you.

Sometimes, there are just dudes who are definitely more put together. They are here for making parties either way better or way worse, and have been doing it for way long. That's what Crucial dudes do.

They get very party.

They get awesome.

And if someone pisses in your sink at your next weak birthday party, and there were some random folks there yelling and making it fun again, it was probably one of them.

That party was lame until those crucial dudes showed up. Wow! I want to be like them!
by Jimmy Awesome April 4, 2006
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Some one, or a lover you would be lost without.
Wheres My Crucial Hoe.
by Devon Grundy February 13, 2011
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crucial conflict is a rap group in chicago
i seen crucial conflict preform
by dj elove January 12, 2004
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