One of the most amazing bands of the decade.
Composed of four kick-ass members: Chris Martin (lead vocals, piano), Johnny Buckland (guitar), Guy Berryman (bass guitar), and Will Champion (drums).
They're latest effort, "Viva la Vida Or Death and All His Friends" is the best thing they've done since "A Rush of Blood to the Head"
No, I don't want to battle from beginning to end/
I don't want a cycle of recycled revenge/
I don't wanna follow death and all of his friends!
-From Coldplay's fourth album "Viva la Vida"; track 10 - Death and All of His Friends
by JHolmes18 August 7, 2008
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1) when someone has sex with a dead person

2) a band that sounds about as good as sex with a dead person
person one: coldplay is my favorite band ever
person two: that over rated crap is like four gay guys having a bad acid trip, which would explain why the lead inger named his child apple. can you say "dumbass"?
by nantucket red February 1, 2007
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The best band ever. Radiohead came first, but Ed O'Brien couldn't tune Jon Buckland's guitar.
Haters can drink their haterade but no one can deny that even if they don't like the music, Coldplay's talent on a scale from 1 to 10, they're about a 57.
by strong badian October 31, 2004
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doing a woman with no foreplay.
Man: Was it good for you?

Woman: That was lousy, a total coldplay.
by r day February 8, 2009
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The band that Bono wipes his ass with.

"Here, take this Coldplay album cover."

"Aw, cheers mate!"

by Degree7 August 10, 2009
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:Literally one of the best bands that ever existed
Here's some good songs from them to make you happy

Something just like this
The scientist
Viva la vida

Fix you
Higher power

You're welcome :)

Coldplay: the best band
A quote from the best band
Me: look at the stars, look how they shine for you ⭐️:)
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Coldplay is U2 Lite...a blatant ripoff of the better band.
Wow, Chris Martin tries way too hard to be Bono and whoever the hell their guitarist is rips off the Edge's unused chords! Coldplay needs to be ORIGINAL
by Somebody wicked cool June 6, 2006
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