"Don't EVER think that Metallica, Quiet Riot, etc. can be described as classic rock. THAT'S OLD-SCHOOL METAL, YOU ASSHOLES!"
by rock n roll retro July 28, 2009
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Classic Rock...
Everything that is pure and holy in music
Vocals that has a meaning

Guitar solos that adds a purpose to the song
Out of this world drum's that gives a sense to the song
Groovy bass groves that gives a song a personality.
Every Classic Rock song has a meaning to it, it's own soul, even life.
Really the ONLY music that will still be around when im walking the stairway to heaven.
Classic Rock. Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Beatles, ELP, ELO, Buffalo Springfield, CSN&Y, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Jefferson Airplane. And so many more
by Thecaddilacman November 29, 2009
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The best Genre of Music alive. Also with the best Bands. Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, ZZ Top. This list can go on for hours.
Guy who likes rap: yo did you hear lil' waynes new song lick the lolipop.

Me: what the fuck is lick the lolipop what were you watching MTV.

Guy who likes rap: nah man on dah radio. Dont you listen to rap?

me: rap is for retards with no life. Retards Attempting Poetry. add a C asshole. why dont you go to the music store by a nice Led Zeppelin album and tell me what sounds better. It's Called Classic Rock

Guy who likes Rsp: who the fuck is Led zeppelin. does a zeppelin rap good Beats?

Me: please go fuck yourself dumbass. if it werent for Led zeppelin there wouldnt be a rap you jackass. go kill yourself

Guy who likes rap: fuck you, bitch no one likes that shit

Me: yea fuck off dick.

by Classic Rock for life September 18, 2008
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The same tired old thing repeated endlessly. Where shitty pop music comes and goes, classic rock stays, and decays in the back of our minds forever.
I have nothing against the people who listen to it, nor do I have a problem with the music itself(however stale it may be), but it seems today, everyone who I meet who enjoys classic rock is a pretentious asshole. People like to say that it's so amazing because it's the foundation of today's music. So now we have someone to hold responsible for the shit on our radio's. Oh, and every single station is an oldies station. How about someone grows a backbone and shows the crowd something new and unheard of.
I, personally, am tired of being judged by these conceited pricks, because "my music is not up to par" with theirs. Deep Purple sucks. ACDC blows. If the people who listen to this would stop critiquing today's music long enough to realize that people were saying the same shit about the music they listen to THREE decades ago, maybe they'd stop being so stuck up.
Creation is not creation unless it's never been done before. Without originality, creation is meerly a repeat of what's been done before. This is probably why our generation is void of any distinguishing characteristics, because we thieve off the prior. Classic Rock is the same as Rap in many respects. Both are tired out cookie cutter bullshit none of us will ever outlive.
"I bought a PURPLE vinyl the other day. 'Tis the best album I have purchased to date. Ay, I believe I will act like a prick now, and claim to be better than everyone I know, because I'm a 16 year old 120 pound kid who's arrogance rivals the heat of the sun. Deep Purple and all other classic rock do rock a mighty fine bit."
"I hate you. Prick."
by FierceGrape April 28, 2006
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Real music. The garbage that comes out today is, well, garbage.
Uggh, did you watch Katy Perry on the halftime show? She sounded like a screaming banshee. I'd rather listen to classic rock.
by mister83e February 4, 2015
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The same tired old thing repeated endlessly. Where shitty pop music comes and goes, classic rock stays, and decays forever.
I have nothing against the people who listen to it, nor do I have a problem with the music itself(however stale it may be), but it seems today, everyone who I meet who enjoys classic rock is a pretentious asshole. People like to say that it's so amazing because it's the foundation of today's music. So now we have someone to hold responsible for the shit on our radio's. Oh, and every single station is an oldy station. How about someone grows a backbone and shows the crowd something new and unheard of.
I, personally, am tired of being judged by these conceited pricks, because "my music is not up to par" with theirs. Deep Purple sucks. ACDC blows. If the people who listen to this would stop critiquing today's music long enough to realize that people were saying the same shit about the music they listen to THREE decades ago, maybe they'd stop being so stuck up.
Creation is not creation unless it's never been done before. Without out originality, creation is meerly a repeat of what's been done before. This is probably why our generation is void of any distinguishing characteristics, because we thieve off the prior. Classic Rock is the same as Rap, and people need to get with the times, wize up a little, see a local show, promote local arts and creation, and maybe, just maybe, we can add a little colour to this bland world of ours.
"My Classic Rock vinyls are far superior to an mp3."
"Is that mold?"
"Why yes, but it only adds value to my mint "Welcome to My Nightmare" Album by Alice Cooper. It's limited print you know."
by FierceGrape March 17, 2006
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One of the worst forms of music EVER. There were a few, decent songs from this era, and stressing the word few. This genre of music took place mainly from the late 1960's to early 1980's. No one is sure why it got the name "Classic" because most of its music is utter garbage. What is worse is that the majority of music stations still play this slop, unwilling to let go of the past. The music itself is nothing but noise. "Classic" Rock junkies claim that the greatest guitarists came from this era but wailing a electric guitar for 8 minutes straight does not take as much skill and making an acoustic guitar sing. The song lyrics for most songs were about three things. Sex, drugs and rock. That is fine sometimes but there creativity lacked so much during this era. Most performers so were so strung out on coke, blow, etc that mindless lemming followers still hung onto everything they played.
Young Child - "Dad why do all those men have scary looking paint on their faces and why do they stick their tongues out?"

Dad - "That's the members of the Classic Rock band KISS son. The band's music is so horrible, they try to attract attention in another way."

Young Child - "OK I think I get it. Hey Dad! Did you just hear a cat squeal?"

Dad - "No son. That was actually Brian Johnson, lead singer for AC/DC."
by wxman3441 October 4, 2010
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