1. to drink a large amount of liquid quickly

2. to move along, especially in a slow and laborious manner
He looked like the type of idiot who would chug a bottle of hot sauce.
by The Return of Light Joker December 17, 2010
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To place a big fat cock deep into one's throat and slide up and down the length of it at high speed like a choo-choo train. Sluts who do this are called chuggers and they love to do it all day 'til stream comes off his dick and they get friction burn on their mouths. Sometimes they emit a sounds like a tain as they go.
Sluts love to chug cocks

Only the dirtiest ho's like to chug

Piddys mum loves to chug
by dictionaryman20092 July 13, 2009
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A breed of dog that is half chihuahua, half pug.
I mated my chihuahua with a pug and they bore the cutest Chug.
by Enigmanic May 12, 2009
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The act of being overwhelmed with work/school work due to previous turn ups which rendered your productivity as an individual.
If you have a history essay due on Monday morning and decided to go out on Saturday night because you thought you could finish it on Sunday, but you're unable to because you were either extremely wasted the night before or you're just tired.

In this case you would say " I'm too chugged because it was so turnt last night." Or if you were asking a friend that was with you, you could say, " Are you not as chugged as I am?" or "Are you chugging?"
by jussraee February 15, 2015
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