a woman who sells sex but is not classed as an actual prostitute; a lower class of prostitute
"you stupid Bint watch where you're going"
by Psquarly February 8, 2007
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The act of being a stud amoung studs
Yo dude, you were so Binting last night
by Faye C. Leslie February 28, 2004
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Oh you, look at the BINT over there. I'd defiantly GEB'd
by Jimbilly July 11, 2008
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Bints, or Bintz is a term made up by a few people from my school, misspelling the word pints on a a condensed window, they now use the word instead of things such as cool or awesome
Dude! That is so Bints!
by Jevostator January 29, 2009
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Used As An Offensive Word Such As Gay Meaning Idiot Or Other Words.
What A Bint!
Omg He's A Bint!
by Charlotte Bennett November 4, 2007
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bogos binted has no meaning and is usually indecipherable. However, it is usually used to confuse one or escape a question.
Did you print out your photos?
bogos binted?
by Hoo boy September 16, 2020
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A new term of endearment within the Drag community, especially in Australia. Combination of sissle which is a corruption of "sis" or "sister" and bint which means both "little girl" and "whore". Sissle bint doesn't carry the negative connotation of calling someone a whore, nor does it mean "little sister". It is just a friendly way to address a fellow drag queen or drag ally / enthusiast.
"Hey sissle bint, how was the drag show? Did you get lots of cash?"
"Don't talk to me, we aren't friends once we are off the stage, remember that."
"Relax, queen!"
by Nathan Fogs October 4, 2015
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