An underground hiphoop fan that believes in 'Real Hiphop' when in reality there is no such thing as that. They are hiphop elitists that think anything that sounds gangsta, sounds demeaning to women is NOT hiphop. They are ppl that will believe that everything in undeground hiphop is 'real music' when the fact is, most of it is the SAME shit, just like mainstream, they refuse to accept that hiphop is NOT segregated by underground and Mainstream, the truth is an artist is either GOOD or WACK no matter if he's major or indy...another thing thats annoying is that they do not realise, ppl can listen to wtf they want, Just because someone doesnt like the underground of music, doesnt make them a idoit that knows nothing about hiphop.....Its funny how someone can tell me im wack, cuz I listen to Three 6 Mafia, and that I dont listen to REAL music (and I listen to ALL hiphop, underground and Mainstream) when the truth is, these fucks JUST got into hiphop, and they think they are the shit because they listen to an artist thats only sold a 1000 albums, so what the fuck are they saying?
Backpacker: U dont know ANYTHING about hiphop, u listen to sell out music thats FAKE........
Me:WHy do u give a shit WHAT other ppl listen to? Just listen to what u want, and ignore what other ppl like, it will make ur life even better....DO YOU AND ILL DO ME.

by XNINEZ April 22, 2006
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A guy or girl who constantly follows their significant other, or object of affection, during social functions.
Kelly: Janet wouldn't leave Eric alone at the party. I think she was afraid he would cheat.

Sandra: Yeah, she was being a total backpack.
by jmidi January 15, 2011
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To backpack a team in videogames or sports.
Dude, he pretty much backpacked the team." "Dora taught me how to backpack ;)
by Capn AwmNawms March 14, 2011
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When the smaller person is the big spoon and so it's like the bigger person is wearing a backpack.
Bigger person - "Tina and I tried backpacking this this morning, didn't much care for it."
by Ryan Pardi February 18, 2019
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a person who loves hip hop for all its elements and at shows proves it.
this backpacker thinks that commerical rap is lazy.
by carlos December 16, 2003
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People who really love Hip-Hop.
It dosen't matter if it's commerical or underground, what matters if it's dope or not.
by Omega Death November 20, 2003
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Dora's knapsack from the kids show Dora the Explorer. Backpack is another of the inanimate, yet talking objects from the beloved children's show. Backpack is evidently very efficient for Dora, because she carries her drugs in there.
...I'm the Backpack loaded up with things and knick-knacks too, anything that you might need, I've got inside for you...Backpack, backpack...yay!
by Leiko October 7, 2004
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