Not Stooo. That's all you need to know. Move on.
"I am not Stu."
- Stooo
by Stooo March 21, 2003
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A Stu is a boy and/or a man who is ugly and/or totally undeserving and/or unappreciative of his super cool and usually extremely attrative girlfriend who could do better.
Also see"Sue"
"Dude, what the hell does she see in that guy, he such a Stu!"
by Aaron Tye & Nate Burgan September 5, 2006
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short for stubs, stubby, stubby steel. A Male whom others have a strong natural attraction. A stunning a gorgeous person. A strong and powerful person. A person who is drunk or under the influence of drugs.
Girl 1: Hey girls look at Stu over there.
Friend: Yea, he looks like he has a giant package.
Girl 2: You think so he's only 5'9.
Girl 1: Stu?!? I dunno, I should go find out.
Girl 2: OK, I will come over in two minutes.
Friend: Really?
Girl 1: (Smiles) and (Dances) towards Stu.
Friend: Thinks to himself---> I wish I was Stu
Girl 2: <3 Stu <3<3<3<3<3
by LiezureSuitLarry August 23, 2010
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Short for stupid,dumb,lame.
Stop talking your not making sence, stu.
by Taylor H March 9, 2008
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Starfucking, talentless, wannabe hipster who leaves women unsatisfied emotionally, mentally, and above all else....sexually and physically. See Lily Allen's "Not fair", to get an idea of what this unpleasing minute man is really all about.

Last.....never...EVER, trust one of these. Their fake charm is really all they've got.
Wow, a Stu left me so unsatisfied last night, I was tempted to get a male prpstitute.

Haha, that girl must have been with a Stu, they're so horrible in bed.
by slowjamz10 February 8, 2011
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One who is 2 inches,.................................. from the floor
by Anonymous July 6, 2003
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Short for stupid,dumb,lame.
Stop talking your not making sence, stu.
by Taylor H March 9, 2008
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