failing so bad at something that its a totally laughable matter.
teacher: spell the word, cupcake

student: k, u, p, k, a, k, e.

epic fail
by Diiesel February 13, 2009
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A failure of cosmic scales. Could be used to express how pathetic someone is.
-Wow this Geril guy is such an epic fail.
-Hell he is.
by Puretruthbro December 6, 2008
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A fail that is so extreme, that it is found amusing by other people.
"What are you doing here?" Man asks wife at brothel.

Epic Fail
by benderbeast February 15, 2009
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When someone tries to do something cool but it results the act of 'coolness' going horribly wrong. Even funnier when someone gets hurt. - full of epic fails
by Bertrambendlebits May 26, 2009
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Me: 8 years wasted... George W. Bush shall be known as the greatest epic fail ever made between a man and a woman.

Dave Chappell: Word.
by wholeoh March 31, 2009
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The highest level of failure, period. If you Epic Fail, you can never redeem yourself. You might as well be Falcon Punched just so you can get the rest of your pathetic life over with.
Dude 1: All your base are belong to us.

Dude 2: What?

Dude 1: You don't know "all your base"?

Dude 2: Nope.

by damawesome February 5, 2009
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Two of the most annoying words in the English language combined to form ultimately the most annoying phrase on the face of the earth.
Epic and fail are among many other annoying words that should be banished from the English language according to the Lake Superior State University, and hopefully most people feel the same.
Casey: DUUUDE shut the fuck up.
by nasahnwhoru January 21, 2011
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