the deluded morons above this post are totally wrong in fact it IS luke i am your father. he goes no luke i am your father watch the classic fucking movies. not the fucking bullshit new ones.
Vader: Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke: He told me enough, he told me you killed him!

Vader: No Luke, I am your father.

by i fucked you mama! November 17, 2007
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someting you don't wanna hear a random stranger tell you if you're luke.
random guy:Luke, I am your father
luke:(realizing his mother is a hoe)
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The climax to a certain situation. Usaully preceded by the "Luke..."
1. In the Movie "Friday", the "Luke, I am your father" is when, Craig whoops Deebo's ass. Yeaahh!!!

2. The "Luke I am your father" of slim bavis's life, was giving the rectal thermometer to his favorite moped.
by Dan Jewell March 23, 2005
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This is the greatest insult ever uttered in the history of mankind. It has been said that if a individual says this to another, they will be succumbed to the overwhelming Dankness they have experienced. Their bones will start to get weak, they will drop to their knees and beg for mercy. BUT! They will will be no forgiveness for those whose mother is a hamster and their father smells of elderberries! They will be forced to eat the unholy Lima Soy as punishment for their grave sin.
by YabaGabaGoo December 26, 2022
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An emphasized variant of the phrase word to your mother, but in the form of a friendly insult. Limited in use, mainly by geeky technophiles.
*Player to opponent, after winning a game of Axis & Allies (total victory condition)*: Oh, you just got owned! Word to your mother and father COMBINED!
by isaacw January 22, 2009
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something that many, many people would like to tell people
"Shut the hell up before I shove a cactus so far up your ass you'll have more pricks in your mouth than your father had on Pride's Month," said little Jimmy "Damn, little Jimmy, you need to chill out," said his bully, getting out the gasoline and matches."
by Earthling hates you March 4, 2021
Get the Shut the hell up before I shove a cactus so far up your ass you'll have more pricks in your mouth than your father had on Pride's Month mug.
what you say to someone who has offended you without having to worry about a comeback because they'll be to confused to respond. i swear its a complete and real sentance. note that the word above is shrtened and cutoff. full length above.
Person: "Poser!"
Emo Kid: "Fuck you fucking fucker who fucks your fucking fuckhole father that fucking fucks fuckass whores through their fucking fuckholes then fucks himself til he fucking dies of fucking aids and fucking falls into the fucking fuckhole to fucking hell while your fucking mother get fucking fucked by fucking fuckholes who fuck fucking fuckers like your fucking self and motherfuckers like themselves so they can fucking live without fucking having to fucking pay fuckass whores like your sister who used to fuck the fucking fuckholes that fucked your motherfucking mother who fucked lots of fucking men that weren't your fucking father on her fucking business trips she fucking set up to fucking get away from your fucking fugly face."
by ThatChickWhoKicks@$$! September 28, 2009
Get the Fuck you fucking fucker who fucks your fucking fuckhole father that fucking fucks fuckass whores through their fucking fuckholes then fucks himself til he fucking dies of fucking aids and fucking falls into the fucking fuckhole to fucking hell while your mug.