1)One who makes no sense
2)One who has a habit of using words they don't know/made-up
3)Wizard-Like person
Little Kid: Uhmm I don't understand this...
The Wizard: WTF?! Mulch! You sound like mulch! Excuse my persnicketyness, but you never listen to me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Everything sounds shrookish, and needs to be fixed!
by HughJass87 January 9, 2008
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Can often replace the word " beast " or "animal". said after smebody does something amazing.
1. Yo Dawuud be mad Wizard at football
2. Sex with Rob last night was amzing hes like a wizard with that big wand!!
3. Damn that was mad wizard how you do that shit
by Default CPU Module 16482 November 16, 2011
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A magical being who uses a staff, wands do not count.
e.g Gandalf is a wizard, wheres Harry Potter is not.
by AlpacaCat February 15, 2012
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An all knowing and all seeing piece of shit that is spineless, dickless and minus one nut. He pretends to run the plant but does nothing other than say "This is Scott mayIhelpya" and "OUTSTANDING" on the phone all day. The origin of this word is a reference from the "Wizard of Oz", "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". Also, One who is a backstabber but is not twofaced because he/she is multiple faced. Gotcha fucker!
"Gee, John sure is being "The Wizard" today. Damn what an asshole!
by Adolf Oliver Nipples September 28, 2005
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1)a proffesional male magician, usually of great age and knowledge and ranked of greater skill than a shaman or enchanter

2)one of great skill or knowledge in a certain area, especially computers

3)a microsoft program designed to make easier a certain task, such as pictures
1)The wizard muttered a strange word, and with a wave of his hand he transformed the egg into an omelette.

2)Frank is a typing wizard.

3)I used the Win Zip (R) wizard to recongigure the files.
by Dannyboy July 1, 2003
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Drug slang for an ounce. Derived from the abbreviation oz. Which reads out as OZ. Which then formulates into Wizard of Oz.
Man, Chris picked up a Wizard of some dank headies the other night.
by CritterFur July 10, 2010
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1. A fictional character, "spell caster".

2. Term used on 4chan, used to describe an awesome person
1. There was a wizard in the forest who gave my mom a larger penis

by 2ninja4you2handle April 28, 2011
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