A person who has all sex organs. He loves people named veer. Varun is a cruel and cunning person. Stay away from him.
Varun chal hatt.
by rupankar October 7, 2020
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A person who has all sex organs. He loves people named veer. Varun is a cruel and cunning person. Stay away from him.
Varun-chal hatt.
by rupankar October 7, 2020
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A childish squeaker who is the type of guy to play sekiro 24/7. He makes fun of people. And is a bit of a Knob overall. His family doesn't love.
Stop being a Varun
"im getting a ben vibe" said varun
by yreuyteyju June 14, 2019
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lessons preached by those starry eyed dimwits who fall for the unmatched, smart, witty, intelligent, insightful, intellectual humans named varun
she's a bore ever since she started her varunism
by eyewe April 9, 2010
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Usually a man with a massive penis and probably one of the coolest people on the planet. Everyone should aspire to be a varun. Most of the time, a varun will be seen with a crowd of amazingly sexy girls.
OMG, Varun almost looked at me today. I have been blessed.
by Vroom December 4, 2006
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The guy who makes the most lamest jokes. His friends pretend to laugh even if the joke was terrible
That joke was so lame.
Yeah he's probably a varun
by The google assistant boy March 3, 2022
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to spontaneously do whatever the fuck you want, wherever the hell you want, while maintains the minimum amount of productivity required to pay rent
Bro started laying out his whole life belongs on my driveway. It’s safe to say he’s varuning.
by chokingoncigs July 15, 2023
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