A term used when witnessing a fat person, or a general mong.
Can also be used with a thumbs up held on the palm of the other hand - this symbol allows you to demonstrate you have seen a TOOT without vocalising it.
by tootpatrol January 6, 2012
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verb:1. to shake an ass. 2. to fart. 3. to give power to.
1. "toot that thang up mami"
2. "don't toot your own horn"
by SaraJen May 20, 2007
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Toot is the noise made when a person blows their car horn
Many motorists give a toot on the horn, and wave of the hand, when driving through a main street in a country market town if they spot a friend.
by St. Ias October 26, 2005
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A slang word for flatulance. Is mostly used by mothers of toddlers or young children, chicago gangsters of the '20's, and Cleopatra when adressing Julius Caesar's farts as they sounded that of a fog horn.
"Oh no! Johnny didn't just toot he went boom-boom in his diaper," said soccer mom Jill to soccer mom Rachel.
by Oedipus-Rex July 1, 2011
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A rancid smelling gas that comes from your butt. Also known as a fart; but toot is the less nasty sounding word.

Gas emerging from your bum that often sounds like "preeee" or "brauuump".
I heard my cat toot, and knew it was time to evacuate the room.
by Kailie April 27, 2004
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