One who is completely oblivious to the fact that no one likes them. Tool's come in many different forms, however most tool's tend to have a picture of every angle possible of themselves on the computer.
wow, JoEyYy pIMpZ$ from myspace is such a tool.
by lamapoodle September 20, 2009
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Someone who is easily manipulated by others, because they substitute the judgment and/or approval of others for their own. The others can be admired friends, strangers or potential mates whose approval the tool seeks. Especially in interpersonal situations, the tool will seek approval from the other, but fail to exercise their own judgment about whether the other person is good or right for them. Alternately, the tool will allow public figures, advertising, or other mass media to replace or form their own opinions on any number of subjects -- most evident in fashion and music choices (often fads or heavily marketed products of suspect quality or style). Somewhat less obvious are tools whose opinions on current events are parroted from sources thought by the tool to be reliably correct -- if you don't follow current events, or didn't come across the original source, you might not realize they hadn't actually given their opinion much thought beyond memorizing the highlights. The recurring theme is that the tool avoids using their own judgment, sometimes even failing to acquire an ersatz opinion; instead just seeking approval. The tool is an open field for anyone who would like to use them for their own purposes. When they choose very poorly, it is obvious to most that the tool has been manipulated and was foolish to have allowed it. Usually singular in actual usage, but sometimes phrases like 'tool shed' or 'hardware store' are used to refer to groups seen as clearly lacking common sense.
a) Did you hear that guy? "Brown is the new black"? What a tool.

b) That tool paid for her fancy dinners all over town for *at least two months* and only kissed her like once!

c) staff in a hotel: "Who rented out the Pacific Room this weekend?" "'Real Estate Riches' seminar, free admission." "Ha, that'll be a tool barn."
by Erotic Army Beer Hall April 7, 2006
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an obnoxious person who usually "bro's out" plays guitar for attention, and pretends to like those who like them and then completely screws them over.
today i saw this complete douche walking down the street, playing overrated songs on his accoustic guitar, and hitting on 3 underclassmen at once; he was such a tool
by BatTom's Bad Visit March 30, 2009
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A sad soul who is being taken advantage of without realizing it
-Dude, I need a ride to the party.
-Ask (insert name here). He's a tool.
by Emma February 16, 2003
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a fake person. someone does things to impress people
Someone who claims to be a coffee fanatic but only buys "frappacinos" from starbucks. People who go to TRL. People who listen to Good Charlotte. The members of Good Charlotte
by Calli March 2, 2005
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an offensive comment, mainly aimed towards the male of the species, when one is being particularly nasty, stupid, or facetious.
God, Evan is such a tool!

Why are you being a tool for?
by PartyCarPartyFlat April 2, 2009
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a word used by idiotic scenesters to describe anyone who doesn't fit... unfortunately, they don't realize that by conforming to the indie scene, they are still conforming, and whether they realize it or not, their lives are just as meaningless and externally controlled as the man in the cubicle... and that the people who they are calling tools KNOW that they are being used... they just have half a heart to spend their time helping out the aforementioned fools in hopes that they will see the truth and turn their life around.
fool 1: that kid is a tool
fool 2: I totally know, right? did you know that I asked for a ride to the store and he gave it to me for free?
fool 1: wow... what a tool. he actually HELPED another living being?
fool 2: yeah man, lame... hey, who's frederick kneetshaw?
by barcodeonneck June 11, 2009
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