Synthetic drug. Known as k2, spice, brain eater.
That k-tizzle had me spinning so hard I went auschwitz
by Papa dando December 20, 2016
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replaement for tizzy
Yo nizzle don't have tizzle.
by Xyrus November 17, 2003
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n. Slang for Hot Tub, an often intimate pool filled with hot water, used for relaxation and sexual activities.
"I saw two people scrump in the hot tizzle last night after midnight"
by Nick Thomson January 28, 2005
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Alternative form of Tunbridge Wells, a spa town in south-east England.
Are you coming to Tizzle Wizzle tonight for the party?

Why are there so many chavs in Tizzle Wizzle?
by Leif999 November 6, 2006
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The absolute shit! Can be used to describe absolutely anything, from the lunch u just ate to that hot girl across the road.
'That my friend is the bomb tizzle!'
'YOU are the bomb tizzle!'
'Damn!That chick is the bomb tizzle!'
by -=InDiCa=- -=SaTiVa=- September 27, 2006
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