1. the cutest
2. the sweetest
3. the nicest
4. the one who makes me the luckiest
How did I get so lucky to have the bestest boyfriend ever?
by Anonymous April 17, 2003
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Better than best. It's the bestEST.
The popcorn was the BESTEST thing they'd ever eaten.
by Julia<3 January 31, 2009
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Another way to say something that is more best to you
by Sirlankangirl February 17, 2010
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saying you're good in a sarcastic way, to imply that you're bad
Surgical is the bestest at podcasts.
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"You're the bestest man"

"Isaac is the bestest"

"Indians make the bestest curry"
by Sally Handsom February 18, 2014
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WARNING: Dont overuse it or you will sound insincere and stupid.

1 (verb) The greatest, awesomest, best thing ever in the world ever! Despite sounding retarded, it is better than saying best.

2 (noun) Word used to describe your favourite person(or people) to have cybersex with. Cybersex is also called "talking" Mostly used in front of small children, parents, other unapproving people.

Also called a special friend. Not to be confused with a bestest friend. Ever.
1 They weren't just best friends, they were bestest friends.

2 (a converstion)
Person 1: "So, erm, my... bestest... and me, we were "talking" on msn for an hour."
Person 2: "Wow, whats their addy? I need to talk to them!"
Small kid/Parent/Unapproving Person: "Huh?"
by Lyddy Cool October 24, 2006
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(Often confused for a bestest friend or bestest buddy. Although there may be some overlap between the three, it is quite an insult to call a Bestest Bud, or the tandem, anything other than their proper name). This is truly someone you care about. They are always there for you no matter what. They can always make you laugh and know how and when to put a smile on your face. Although it may take you some time before you realize that you are in fact Bestest Buds, it will definitely be worth the wait. Bestest Buds are usually met in the strangest of places(Michael Scott's office) and you bond over the most simplest of things(hangman). You can tell them anything knowing that they will not judge you and will give good heartfelt advise when needed. This is someone who you watch movies and have amazing adventures with. Your Bestest Bud is someone who you can be silent with, and it will never be awkward. A Bestest Bud is someone who you can fall asleep on(both literally and figuratively speaking) and not worry about them getting upset rather they just know that you're tired and say goodnight anyways. Bestest Buds are unstoppable when together, so NEVER try and get in their way. This is someone who you hope to keep as a life long friend, forever. I <3 my Bestest Bud. :)
Evan: " So what, are you and Shlow best friends now?"
Me: " HEY! Watch yourself! That's Bestest Buds to you bucko.
Evan: "..."


Me: " I couldn't ask for a more fun, kind, and sweet Bestest Bud than mine, Chloe. :)
by CW2CS June 6, 2010
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