most preps will only shop in abercrombie and fitch, holister, american eagle, etc...and they think that goths worship the devil just because they have a different taste in clothing and different life style. in short, most preps are assholes.

AND to all the fat/chubby preps out there: stop wearing clothing where your ass and stomache are hanging out and just a word of advice; nobody wants to see that so wear clothing thats actually your size

by ...anonymous......... July 26, 2006
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A:A rather hospitable rich person who has gone to prepritory school. they get along with most people and most syles of people.

B:a snotty nosed hollister brat who acts rich wile tryin to scroung up enough cash to buy a new shirt. The think the are better than you unless your a heiress and take fun in making thems appear strong by taking out groups of people who are differnt. Close to chavs but no burbery and audible language.
A:So what if he scates i think hes fun to hang out with even if he didnt go to prep school.
by Brock Beauclair August 19, 2007
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Someone that comes here to talk about how they don't wear Abercrombie, don't wear Hollister, live on the east coast, go to good colleges, and don't live in big houses (though they are rich?), and basically talk good about themselves because they are self-centered and insecure and stuck up little brats that have no life except to come online and type a million page definition on 'their kind'.
Person 1: Wow, look at this definition that this prep wrote about herself!
Person 2: Wow, she is such an annoying little bitch with no life, huh?
by GLOMPING FANGIRL. March 29, 2009
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Preps are snoby bitches that can go fuck themselves. I have to say that because they are. They only care about themselves and talk shit about there own best friends. Their the ones that will be nice to your face and then talk shit about you behind your back. They think their all that and that everybody loves them and wants to be them. But thats not the case. I think its safe to say that nobody likes preps and people would never want to lower them selves that low. They think that what they wear is "cool" but really its gross. they wear the pants that are to small and then they have this discusting roll of fat hanging from the sides.
" Like, omg! that gurl z wearing, like, the most hidious outfit, he he."
by Kara McConnachie May 5, 2005
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people who think they own the world. they wear aeropostale, american eagle, hollister, etc. they act like the plastics on mean girls. think they can scare and intimidate people by sneering at them and whispering about how horrible they are when they say something a lot smarter than them. stupid, narrow-minded people. never give a care about anyone but their friends and themselves. usually rich but can be somewhat poorish. think everyone likes them but they really don't. are not all the same, but no one is really. think everyone is jealous and that they look hotter than everyone else when really a normal person, like me, can be a better model than the most popular girl in my school. get all egotistical when they accomplish something because they have the money to do it. act out in class and the teachers follow along to prevent being sued by rich parents.

girl: i wish these preps would stop talking about us. they do it every day, and i don't know why. it's not like we're bad people or anything.
guy: don't worry, they're just stupid, insecure people that think they own the world cuz they're rich.
by mel676 September 21, 2006
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A group of fucking small minded idiotic slutty girls who think they are better than everyone else and go around talking about how hot some guy is or how non popular Emily is. They usually wear clothes that reveal their dry vaginas and flat chest. They usually listen to pop music such as Avril Lavinge and Good Charlotte and call themselves "PUNK ROCKAZ". They also over use "OH MY GOD" and "LIKE".
prep named amy: LYK OMG BRAD PITT IS SO HOT

other prep named jenna: LYK OMG I AGREE

Me: Shut the fuck up you stupid teenybopper bitches.
by Blahb April 6, 2005
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The bitches that talk behind your back, yet are very genial when in close contact with you. They often wear Aberzombie & Bitch, American Eagle, AERO, and my least favorite because it makes me look like a motherfucking traffic cone, Hollister. They usually are very ignorant, they spend $120 on ripped jeans, while you can go to walmart and buy ok jeans and fuck them up yourself. They usually will be the people talking shit about their 25 best friends behind their backs. They sometimes are in advanced/gifted classes yet most of them lack a brain or they have one and are unable to use it.
Prep 1: LyKe oMg I jUsT bRoKe mY nAiL!
Prep 2: I lYkE jUsT mAdE oUt wItH tHe sTaR qUaRtErBaCk!

Me: Stfu stupid preps!!!!!! And quit talking about guys who will never dump you within 5 days. Get a life!!!!!
by andy the fucking mandy April 3, 2008
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