You know when you go to a restaurant and you eat a shed load of food, and you feel like you've eaten too much. You sit there with a bloated stomach and feel really uncomfortable.

There is a hidden body function that few people know about which is ideal for dealing with this; called the "Emergency Pooh".

This is a switch in the body which is triggered once too much food has been consumed, which basically actions an emergency pooh (a quickfire pooh to get rid of the waste which has been taken on board).
Mark: Oh man I've eaten way too much, my gut is going to explode
Mike: Don't worry mate, just action an Emergency Pooh!
by MikeL1983 December 19, 2006
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Panda Pooh Panda Pooh is the act of going pooh after eating panda express. Panda Pooh is ussually sudden and happens within a few hours after consuming Panda Express. Panda Pooh only happens after eating Panda Express. If one did not eat Panda it is not a Panda Pooh. It also does not classify as a Panda Pooh if Panda express was consumed over eight hours ago.
I was at work and suddenly i had to Panda Pooh.

I feel sick since i ate Panda Express I need to Panda Pooh.

I just took a Panda Pooh so dont go in that bathroom
by chad the legend June 22, 2007
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Walking around the house half naked.
Top no bottoms i.e, just a t-shirt.
Doing the Winnie The Pooh.
Also see Donald Duck.
"Went round to Dave's yesterday and he answered to door half naked"

"Half naked "?

"Yeah he was wearing a t-shirt but no bottoms"

"Ah, doing the Winnie The Pooh
by Nordic Badger April 17, 2014
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1.the cousin of winnie the pooh
2.eats yogurt instead of honey
one day vinnie the pooh and winnie the pooh decide to meet up and mix yogurt and hunny to get hogurt or yunny.
by sprtsgy1989 June 17, 2011
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1. The correct spelling for that groovy Bear we all used to love.

2. loves honey and enjoys annoying Rabbit
Hey Winnie the Pooh! We love you!
by AngelLilly November 5, 2007
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