the act of massively trolling; to troll someone so hard, or in such a way that leaves them in a state of almost permanent anger and confusion
i can not think of an example for Ogreing, i am sorry
by orphan tiger tears June 15, 2011
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A green monster with antennaes that resemble trumpets (see Shrek)
Sometimes ogres can be seen hanging around with talking donkies.
by Siberian Moo Cow June 23, 2005
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Savage from the cuts of Frisco bay area. A Norweigan muthafucka.
The fuckin 'Ogre' comin to mah block? Run mama! Bring da kids! Tell pops to bust out wid hiz foh feevah!
by OgreSavage February 22, 2003
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1. A master of the china ram

2. One who enjoys Lime Jello
1. My but hurts because I was attacked by an Ogre.

2.Lime Jello in your cart? Are you an Ogre?
by daelon_rax July 13, 2008
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A beautiful, majestic creature who deserves the best. Must be bowed to
Yo dude, that ogre over there is lookin hecka FINE!”
by nickolback May 25, 2019
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someone who unintentionally walks through walls and other things
ie: Elan
Dude 1: Dude, Elan just walked through the wall!
Dude 2: I know hes such an ogre
by sam November 24, 2003
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"a funny person"
one who posted a very funny definition for fondle
taken from ogre's post "wow, that squirrel really seemed to like the fondling i gave him.. he blew nuts everywhere"
by mini-moi December 9, 2003
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