To mole excessively; to spy; to spy on co-workers
Mark is behind closed doors with Mrs. Smith I think he is moleing
by Jigga1515 July 12, 2010
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Weed and Tobacco mixed together then packed up and smoked through a bong. If you like wasting weed and money then this is your shittt.
Jimmy "Hey man you wanna take a mole rip?"

Mikey "Nah man, I don't fuck with moles they are nasty and dirtbag."

Jimmy "Fuck off it's a new breed of pot smokers."

Mikey "Sounds pretty pretty pretty gay, I'll just stick to blunts you douche.
by molehatapifsmoka420 April 9, 2010
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Someone who has a dot on their face.
a persone of Mole Orgin
Anthony Dahlquist Type Level
You have a mole on the left side, of your top lip.
some nick-names

Black Herpies
by Moleee January 15, 2013
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Noun - short for MoleMan - A person who rarely comes out of their basement to do much of anything despite his number of friends and his pretty nice car. Moles usually stay in their basement and play on the computer or watch anime all the time. They are rarely seen to eat, and can be pretty fun if you can coax them out of their hole.
"Oscar Mike Golf! I saw mole eating the other day when I went to his hole. Sure it took him 20 minutes to answer the door, but hes so hott, hes worth it."
by canadia March 2, 2004
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A large creature that is into prostitution in mammels, especially whales and squirrels. Invented the Australian prodegy for donald trumps 1.7m wall in Pakistan and possibly relating to Mexico. A mole is an austrailian word for a big lug also.
by Johnny Huey June 28, 2018
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often a grant, small and awkardly tiny.
by sistasista213 July 8, 2009
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A small creature covered in dark hair that prefers dark places.
The Mole is blind which prevents proper desicions to be made visually.
Damn Simon you've gotta be a mole to be blind enough to go there.
by PseudoPyjamo April 21, 2009
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