Origin, President Theodore Roosevelt.

Feeling presidential, clean, fly, cool etc.
To look Teddy is to look presidential, clean, fly, attractive etc.
Guy 1: Damn bruh, I'm feeling so teddy today.

Guy 2: You're right though, you do look real teddy today.
by Parkers Class September 27, 2011
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When one cannot find an individual of the same age to hook up with, so jokingly hooks up with a freshman, or an individual of lesser age and/or power
OMG she hooked up with that freshman... she totally pulled the teddy!
by singingblonde5678 November 4, 2010
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When you’re chatting with a friend online and they fall asleep without a saying anything mid conversation.
person 1: are you there?

person 2: …
person 1: oh no, he pulled the Teddy
by tina490 January 5, 2022
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The most attractive man around, train tracked curtians which haven't hitched their wagon yet.
loves sipping yetis, tinkling on the piano, walking, and shredding the gnar at main beach

(is not queer so don't interfere)
Wow that's the most stunning young man I should ask him out! - You don't stand a chance that's Teddy
by olvrmn November 26, 2022
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To pull a teddy is to be partially or fully naked in a semi-public place.


A synonym for nudist.
A Teddy will use any excuse to take off their shirt and show off their "abs." For example, they'll use their shirt as a snare mute to show off their chest but then get cold and put it back on. They'll spend an extra long time changing, and walk around a dorm almost entirely nude. Why would a Teddy do this? We don't know, and neither does he.

Person 1: "removes shirt."
Person 2: " Bro don't pull a Teddy."

Person 1: "hear me out, we pull a teddy and run around naked in a Denny's parking lot at 3 am."
by Nonstoptaco February 7, 2023
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teddies are a group of people/fandom that support the cutest tiktoker nick austin
person1:are you in a fandom
person2:yes teddies
by nickythicky July 23, 2020
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