When a person (mostly female) swings a load of (preferably frozen) bread into a male attacker's crotch in self defense in order to stun them.
Robber: *points a gun at shopper* "Give me your money!"
Shopper: *swings loaf of bread she was carrying into robbers balls* "MEXICAN TASER!!"
Robber: *drops the gun and screams in pain*
Shopper: *runs away*.
by Skullkan May 2, 2010
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a long range taser that fires two wires that have prongs attached to them and shock its victim upon impact.
Me:Did you hear about that cop that saw a guy mugging that bitch?

Man: What happened?

Me: That bitch got air tasered.
by James Lowe December 23, 2004
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Taking a shot of alcohol while getting tasered in any part of the body.
I was so fucked up last night at the party, I started taking taser shots.
by Shane Haught January 19, 2009
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Drinking a shot before getting tasered.
Dude, last night I had a taser shot and I'm still bruised from it.
by ChaoticHavok January 30, 2009
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The joy that police feel when then taser someone.
the police were having some taser fun down town.
by Deep blue 2012 July 29, 2009
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Where when you are tased it makes you have a heart attack. It has been determined that being tased can make you have a heart attack no matter your age or state of health.
by Deep blue 2012 March 20, 2010
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