aka: don silk.

a higher level of evolution, which mankind itself has yet to have reached.
a super natural super muman sweglord mafiagang affiliated sisty one six life.
(some random dude)
"hey brother, do you have any spare sweg milk?"

(the swegmilk level 9,000,000)

"no, but your mother does..."
by buegology April 20, 2019
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A person who acts like they’re completely innocent, but they’re actually full of weird shit
Yesterday I found it that my best friend is an exact Agustina Sweg like me
by AgustinaSWEG December 17, 2018
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Mostly commonly seen in 2017 at the Mumbai International Airport. This stylish combination of clothing consisted of extremely tight adidas sweatpants with the addition of hesspods, huge tourist camo backpack and a neon blue sweater.
Rohit is the pinnacle of Indian sweg.
by Figusmethat April 12, 2023
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To have more swag than the normal swagger
"I have more swag than you!"
"Bro please," *whips out Obama meme* "I've got..." (long dramatic pause.) "Sweg."
by HarryStygles March 15, 2015
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swag but just more swag, you stack swag upon swag and it creates very much swag
You know, that's pretty sweg.
Person 1: My favorite color is cat
Person 2: massive sweg
Person 1: was sweg?
Person 2: it's a whole stack of swag
by wth is a pseudonym lol September 5, 2020
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