A housewife that owns, but can’t drive, a giant SUV like an Escalade or a Suburban.
This suburban housewife almost ran me off the road.
by Smallbob July 26, 2020
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(Adj)- Used to describe a teenager(15-19) boy or girl that is from the suburbs and lives a easy life. They aren't stuck up or spoiled really they just live a suburban life. Usually they are popular with every one, super good looking, play some type of sport (wrestle ,LAX, soccer, cheer leading, & baseball/softball).
Their parents are super nice but completely oblivious to the parties their kids have while they are away on business/vaca.

Suburban chill guys are very good looking, chill (duh), nice to everyone, funny, wears snap-backs, long boards, has a summer or all year round job, has tons of friends.

Suburban chill girls are pretty, some are slutty but usually only the try hards are. Can be spoiled by their fathers. Go to the mall, drink Starbucks, only shops brands, still very nice to everyone even her haters 'cause like it's not her fault she is popular, pretty, and has money.

Suburban chill kids always have large houses, live in the suburbs of course, usually vacation or party alot, good-okay students. Very trustworthy and fun friends.
Ex.1: suburban chill boy
Luke: Yeah, who wants to grab a bite at Panera after school? I just got payed and my dad let me have the car while he's in D.C.


Ex.2: suburban chill girl
Sara: Omg we should totes go to the mall Friday!
Emmy: I can't, i have LAX practice and I'm grounded for sneaking out last week to go to Lukes party.
Sara: Well then I'll come over. Ooo! lets invite everyone over too, it'll be chill.
Emmy: Maybe Luke will bring Taco Bell?
by Vape February 25, 2013
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a person who is immature, and a puzzy chick or dude from the suburban parts of town. A cry baby. A mooch. An alcoholic. A name droper. A newb. A homie with no lyfe.

Got a friend that drains your money and still lives with mommy and daddy? totallyyyy a suburban infant.

by [crazy marta bus woman] May 18, 2008
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the act of buying several fish, placing them in separate bags, and leaving them on the hood of someones car, videotaping and watching their reactions
i went suburban fishing, it was amazing
by yeah yeah yeah josephhh August 13, 2010
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(v) hunting wild animals in a suburban setting. usually the animals are small because of the rarity of big game in a suburb.
ducks, rabbits, stray cats & dogs, and many domestic animals (while still in the yard its much easier to get a succesful kill) are all considered game.
by emologist April 26, 2005
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Suburbs extending out for an absurd distance from a city center. To be truly hell, these suburbs have to have absolutely no mixed use developments. Extra points if there's a sea of parking lots outside all stores.

Suburban hell is either car focused (growing because of middle-class, mostly white families seeing the city centre as "rough") or the result of high-capacity transit (i.e metro systems) going too far out of an urban centre. The latter example tends to devolve into the former.

Examples of cities that are surrounded by suburban hell:
London (It's not just an American problem)
Phoenix (A bunch of suburbs disguised as a city)
New York City (Especially in Long Island and New Jersey)
Los Angeles (Hope you like highways)
Shanghai (to an absurd degree)

These areas tend to have lots of homeowners. Said homeowners have also probably bought all the residential properties in downtown as an investment so nobody can actually live there. They also are the proud owners of large SUVs if only to compensate for something.
Bob: Are we out of London yet?
Mike: Not even close. There's umpteen thousand miles of suburban hell to get through.
by E hates Q August 23, 2021
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A suburban Caucasian who attempts to impersonate the steotypical ghetto style of clothing, speech, music, walking, and gait though generally wears expensive clothing.
The suburban gangster was heckled by his parents for his choce in music, clothes, and way of walking.
by Steve Sims February 24, 2006
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