a game in which Phil learned at his time in the boy scouts of america. Later Phil sued the Boy Scouts of America in a class action lawsuit.
Phil taught billy 'bout "pick up sticks" alright only he used the Special Scout technique taught to him by his father which was to use his ass cheeks
by BoyScoutsOfAmerica July 26, 2022
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1st use:Used when someone gives you the middle finger.

2nd use: Used when someone denies you something, such as a job, a bite of their yummy sandwich, sex, etc..
1st use:
(Person 1) gives person 2 the finger.


2nd use:
(Person 1) Escuse me sir, may I please have a small bite of your yummy sandwich?

(Person 2) No, buy your own lunch you bloody fool.

(Person 1) Well in that case, you can can take your rancid sandwich and stick up your ass and rotate!!!!
by TheMaleMuteKid May 5, 2005
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Basically, nobody fuckin cares and fuckin get lost you fuckin smartass
Stick it up your ass, Einstein
by WorseThanHitler October 30, 2020
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when you finish a dum dum sucker by biting the sucker leaving a little bit of the sucker on the stick and then your bro hands you another sucker but spits on it
"man i was a shit stick up a tree but then my bro was like"
'here i have a bit dip in da nip tip"

a shit stick up a tree is like a bit dip in da nip tip
by pyroFireFox September 19, 2018
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1)to pick up a video game controller and play video games.
this is directly referring to the analog sticks on the controller.

2)also; if someone is sucking at playing video games, one can say this phrase to motivate them.
1. hey dickeyes, you wanna pick up sticks after class???

2. you just got your tits slapped off by that rocket, you better pick up your damn sticks!!
by joe bunyan October 31, 2007
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When you have a dildo in your significant others asshole, then going to retrieve the dildo, that’s where the phrase “pick up your sticks” comes from
“Hey honey, let’s go pick up sticks
by Theglizzyglobler September 1, 2020
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attract "boner owners" (also a children's game)
you can't look that good and not pick up sticks ! , it's a natural LAW !

she lost 35lbs and was surprised to find herself again able to pick up sticks !
by michael foolsley April 1, 2021
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