A wonderful loving man who makes you smile. A best friend and lover in one. Sometimes harsh but always knows what to say and how to say it. He inspires loyalty and devotion from those around him. The man who others rely on but at times he will need someone to rely on and when he does he always turns to the same person. A man of honor, strength and dignity. A soul mate and trusted friend. Once he claims your heart, you will never stop loving him. Belongs with a Jenessa
yeah that's my best friend Steve.
#loyalty#honor#strength#best friend#dignity#devotion
Steve is a cool guy
by Johnnas June 15, 2017
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Used for when you do not want to give away the name of your boyfriend but you want to designate that it is a person and not just a BOB.
Girl 1: BOB gave me a run for my money last night.
Girl 2: I don't need BOB as often anymore because I now have a Steve. BOB is only needed when Steve is out of town.
by Robot Ninja July 11, 2008
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Steve is actually a very funny person, He stalls class so we get more time to muck around and we appreciate him for that. He always causes entertaining fights with miss tuna.
"steves here today"
"were gonna get no work done"
by NotZ May 11, 2022
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Enjoys watching Tesco’s employs put the reduced sticker on the sausage rolls and crying over a lost bed sheet.
Mate you’re being such a Steve right now, get you’re life together you absolute melt.
by MurderOnTheDanceFloor May 13, 2019
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That one guy who has a blocky head and has a girlfriend named alex
by gr0ndz. March 20, 2020
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Has the biggest of penises and drinks a lot of alchohal he has no job but he still will fingerpop your asshole if he pleases he will also steal your bitch and rape your dad.
Steve has a big cock
by Thick dick boi May 18, 2019
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A special drunk alter ego ("friend") you bring to party's that acts like a dickhead and gets aggressive for no reason. Can also be extremely loud and a general pain in the arse.
Yeah Tim was pretty wasted last night he brought out his friend Steve.
by Ginge1234 February 12, 2011
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