1.One who rides a skateboard.
2.One who has skills in skateboarding.
3.Term some posers declare themselves to be
1. "I ride a skateboard therefore I'm a skater." Johnny says.
2. Marc Johnson is a skater.
3. Mike says he's a skater but he's just a poser
by Semispozzle June 6, 2004
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a cool person with a life. hates them stupid chavs that smoke and loung around. likes skating, rock music, and everything anti-chav.
by Darius November 28, 2003
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a person that can skate, unlike the dipshit haters that wear skate shoes and then slag off skaters, stoopid posers, fuck them!!!!
most of the people who did entrys for skaters are fucked in the head
by Anonymous June 14, 2003
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sum1 who likes to skate.they dont hav to be good they just hav to enjoy it if u like to skateboard ur a skater.but dumbass posers who spell skate with an 8 are posers
He likes to skateboard therefore he is a skater not a dumbass sk8er
by rob January 9, 2004
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person who skateboards, wears skater type clothers like Independant.
Avril Lavigne thinks she's a skater but shes really a poser.
by Anonymous April 27, 2003
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the people with the really comfortable shoes who carry around skater boards- usually found at skate parks or on the streets-skating. in my opinion skaters are a cute breed, unlike townies.
townie: oi u! get here u piece a scum
skater: piss off
by ihatethem November 12, 2004
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A person who is cool,hasfun, and is not a poser.
(for poser, see poser)

Also see:
C'mon homeys! Let's go land this tiny little 3 set!
by Kelly Tian November 26, 2004
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