A form of Haggis (a Scottish gourmand speciality) made with shell-fish.
I say maw, could we have some shaggis this evening instead of regular haggis?
by McAC October 9, 2008
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Shaggy, is the ever immortal and ever so powerful being. he harnesses all powers from every soul or being of which he erases from existence, thusfore eventually forcing Shaggy to face his own creator, God himself, shaggy used 41% percent of his infinite power to incinerate God in order to harness his ultimate power. Shaggy now possesses unimaginable power, yet typically portrays himself as a lvl 0 Mortal Human (i.e average American human).

Has previously erased the 2nd dimension for fun using 3.8% of his power.

Also detests LGBTQRSVP members and summons them to eternal pain.
Iron Man: the last infinity stone is in this sandwich thanos.

Thanos: you really think a sandwich will stop me fool? *Kill sandwich*

Shaggy: Hey has anyone seen my sandwich??

Thanos: 🤐😭😱
by @sarotajohn January 28, 2019
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A fag with a fag life style and a crooked dick
Shaggy is a fag with a crooked dick
by Tomasmaneee January 3, 2016
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A type of teacher that tends to get emotionally disturbed by a lot of things. Also more likely to jump out of a window than others. Hobbies include grooming black cats, smoking weed and crying to themselves about anything. Aged 50-54, they tend to live in shared apartments with other teachers in Hove
Person 1: Oi Bruv did you see that kid do a Shaggy
Person 2: Oh shit, I hope he survives
by Gdons Is a Nonce 69 November 27, 2018
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A small patch of hair on a guy's chest, that is a different color than his hair. It usually looks like a dead cat and is very unappealing. This term is used in far away quebec.
girl 1:I can't wait to see jimmy in his bathing suit....

-a few minutes later-

girl 1: Ewww. he's got a shaggy!!!!
by RoXx March 3, 2006
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a person using only 2% of their power
by xPhotonx March 21, 2019
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One of the strongest cosmic entities, with a power level over 420 googolplex, he used 1% of his power to beat shrek and gain the n-word pass. He uses 98% of his power to survive, so 🅱️s think that Shaggy using over than 2% of his power would kill him, but his power limit is over 100%. In fact, shaggy may have used some of his power to duplicate the n-word pass and given one to my friend.
by Shaggy at -1% of his power April 14, 2019
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