A cholo with a small penis. He likes to steal your money..... Because he's a Mexican
by Spanky. December 4, 2014
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A Curly haired male who sits shirtless in front of the telly playing on his xbox all day long. Has extremely hairy shoulders and can usually name most of the weapons from call of duty.
Alex Mcdonald is señor hairy-shoulders

señor hairy-shoulders took Courtenay home last friday night
by herpsderpyherp October 12, 2011
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Me: Señor Estban touched my hand

Friend: licks hand aggressively
by Silkygoose76 February 11, 2022
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to be used to describe a person by the name of mason
that boy masons room smelled really spicy he must be a proper Señor spicy boyo.
by firebreather954 February 11, 2022
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A hybridization of the concepts of ‘Uncle Tom’, ‘yes man’, and even ‘snitch’ for Hispanic/Latino demographics.

The Sí Señor is categorized by his/her willingness and enthusiastic appeal toward serving and pleasing white people highlighted by their answering of each and every request of a white person with their namesake: ‘Sí Señor’.

Unlike most other Hispanics, who play the part, only to preserve their place at a job for example; the difference comes after they are left to their own devices and mock or talk shit about the ‘Señor’ the ‘Sí Señor’ will not and may even talk back, defending the Señor or may even snitch on said paisanos or may go a passive aggressive route of putting in the bad word for those other paisanos when talking to the Señor.

‘Sí Señor’s may also simply engage in behavior that serves to make white people more comfortable in a cultural context such as refusing to speak Spanish with a ‘Nopal en la frente’ even if they are in a Spanish speaking environment (note: this may not be because they don’t know Spanish but simply prefer to forget the language in order to adapt to English speaking) they may even become aggressive when people speak Spanish to them, implying that the language is beneath them.

Other comparable concepts: ‘teachers pet’
Miguel can you please stay an hour later today? I need you.

Miguel: Sí Señor

Good grassy ass Miguel! Oh and can you make sure they don’t play that Mary achi music over there today? It scares the customers.

Miguel: Sí Señor

During work*

Nacho: guey! Ponte unas perronas de Chalino! Como ayer!

(Hey dude! Put on some good Chalino songs like Yesterday!)

Miguel: el jefe dice que no les quiere poner la música. Le da miedo a la clientes. Por favor no aprendas.

(Boss said he doesn’t want you guys playing music, it scares the customers)

Nacho: A ese pinche gabacho no es aquí Miguel! Ponte la música Pancho! Bien fuerte!

(That cracker isn’t here! Put on the music Frank! Nice and loud!)

Miguel: el jefe dice que no!

(Boss said no!)

Nacho: Miguel por que chupas le verga rosada de ese güero. Nos paga de mierda y nunca es aquí a hacer nada solo nosotros! El es flojo!

(Michael why do you suck his pink dick? He pays us like shit and he’s never here to do shit we do all the work he’s fucking lazy)

Pancho: Oiga nacho! Pare la pinche boca! Ese culero es un pinche Sí Señor y le va a decir todo al gabacho.

(Listen nacho! Shut your fucking mouth, that asshole is a Sí Señor and he’ll everything to that cracker!)
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Pass the ball to Bobby and he'll score
He's quite good. Si Señor
by JackoMans November 14, 2019
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A largely built man who has a tendency to laugh at really lame jokes and has to endure the tedious swearing of his students, especially Isaac.
Dude, my teacher´s such a Señor Lopez, we swore like twenty times in a row and he just laughed like Santa Claus.
by superduperloosergooperasdflk September 16, 2010
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