Similar to the famous term "shit-faced," this term refers to the state before you're fully intoxicated, but further down the line than "tipsy." When in the "Schmidt-faced" state, one tends to laugh a lot, dance, and embarass oneself.
-Duuuude, last night I was partying with Nicole and Kevin and we got totally SCHMIDT-FACED. It was epic. I just hope in doesn't end up on Facebook!!
by prittyxschmidtyy June 11, 2009
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the incorrect way to spell "Schmitt"
"Is that Schmidt, or Schmitt?"
"Schmitt! Two T's... NO D's!"
by ungalwa May 7, 2007
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Bacon commander

he commands bacon
oh hey Tye Schmidt, could you bring that Bacon over here
by Bacon Commander August 29, 2011
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A selfish cunt that always puts herself in front of everyone. She constantly yells at others for not doing as she says. On occasions she can be enjoyable but with in a split second shes yelling at you for not letting her pinch you, or some shit like that.
Oh my gosh, she's such a Nicole Schmidt!
by Lick me pussy September 15, 2018
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