Humor originally created by Satan. 1. An act almost always only funny for the one doing it. 2. Taking satisfaction from someone else pain. Usually the first signs of a serial killer.
Stan: "Why did you pull my chair out from under me?"
George: "Ha Ha, suck it motha fucka."
Stan: "That wasn't funny, Thats sadistic humor!"
George: "I am going to papercut you until you die and then collect your fingernails."
by VagDuncker December 16, 2013
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A deadly mental disease that could effect any male or female in the world that makes them get a sexual thrill off abusing victims by purposely instigating arguments, physical conflicts, or sexual assault. There is no cure for the disease as of yet. The origin of the disease has existed since the dawn of humankind.
The list of people with the diagnoses with the sadist nymphomaniac disease:
1. Donald Trump
2. Ann Coulter
3. Dick Cheney
4. Donald Rumsfeld
5. Charlie Manson
by superbipolar420 April 14, 2017
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Mental sadists are like- people who derive pleasure from having higher authority over someone, since said individual cannot do anything about it. Simply saying, they fuck with your head and it only makes you feel guilt or anger from that person's aura.
Dude, she can be such a mental sadist, she likes fucking with your head a lot and you can't do shit about it.
by 0venth September 3, 2019
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Someone who was most probably made fun of in high school by jocks. Years later he is tormenting them since the jocks now work for him.
Sadistic Nerd: "You got that right, I'm the kid you threw in a dumpster every weak, now if I don't see a coffee on my desk in 2 minutes, you're FIRED BIATCH!"
High School Jock: "y-y-y-yes boss"
by ionisis March 16, 2009
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when a guy gets heightened sexual experience from knowing that he is hurting a chick by giving it to her in the ass.
i hurt a chick while assfucking her. it was sadistic anal.
by assfucker May 30, 2005
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A Fruitcake made with small glass shards; not a very nice thing to give out to small children
Lucy is such a whore, I'm going to make her a sadist fruitcake!

looks like mom whipped up some sadist fruitcake for the in-laws
by BlurredIndigo June 10, 2007
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When you really hate someones guts, but you want to add an element of sophistication to your insults you may utter "Sadistic Sabercock"
You dare dishonor my diseased and beloved father? You RETCHED RAT! YOU SADISTIC SABERCOCK!

You act as if you are special to me. Do you not get it? You're nothing but a SADISTIC SABERCOCK whom I will not interact with.
by PoopusSentarius December 21, 2021
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