the sss means- spank, scoop, squeeze
the song apache came on and eddie started preforming the sss manuver.
by jedi pwner 1 September 3, 2006
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sss - (1) interjection (2) onomatopoeia:

1. Yes
2. The sound that emits from a group of 30 odd primary school students when informed that, instead of doing maths this afternoon, they will be doing sport.
"Ok class. Instead of doing maths this afternoon we're going to be doing ... sport."
by Cabji August 3, 2003
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by January 18, 2021
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Special Sleeping Shirt.

The massive t shirt that you somehow have and don't have any way else of using it otherwise.
person 1: what do you wear at night?
Person 2 : my sss
by Quadmint October 30, 2016
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Self-serve sex. To masturbate.
"I had a little sss last night. Not as good as pussy, but close."
by erotica69 September 18, 2005
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spelling seriously screwed

when you can't spell a word but hope the other person will get the message
when you are typing and can't spell but don't have time to look it up in a dictionary. not for use in school assignments.
person one: today i was highperventilating (sss)
person two: oh, right, lots of breathing
by nutty ning nong May 14, 2007
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a reference used to in the latin culture to signify a womans nether regions.

Also, alternate way of saying you had sex with someone.
Def 1: Yo, i was wit Maria last night, and her sss sss (whistle) was hangin out of her pants; its fat as hell kid!

Def 2:

Pablo: yo, did you sss sss (whistle) Awilda last night?

John: HellZ yea kid, we sss sss in her living room with her grandma in the other room!
by Lil Triece July 11, 2008
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