SA is short for Seduction Abduction, a term coined during the summer of 2009 as a means to describe a desire to abduct, then seduce, actor Jackson Rathbone. Since, SA has morphed into a society for single, vampy ladies ferociously going after men of their choosing. It is a source of support and inspiration for the sexually frustrated and emotionally deprived.

SA is also a rallying cry similar to "you go, girl."
"I'm going to see the ginger tomorrow!"
"Woo! SA SA SA!"
by Brittnaay December 9, 2009
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San Antonio, Texas. Home of the Spurs and Taco Cabana
homie1" hey holms, wut you gettin into this weekend?"
homie2" Just goin to SA with some of the homies
by el hefe April 2, 2006
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(EX).... cant think of one D:... SAS
by naruxsasuxlove September 17, 2008
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Abreviation for South Africa. A styling country on the Southern tip of Africa. Nelson Mandella is the man!!!
by Peter Dalglish December 2, 2003
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Sweaty ass sex - to have sweaty anal sex.
Jim and Jen had some SAS.
by rbizzy November 11, 2010
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Sexaholics Anonymous.
A Twelve-Step fellowship / group in the tradition of AA. For people who believe they are sex addicts. In some areas, the group is called Sex and Love-aholics Anonymous (SLA).
"SA meetings are a great place to go if you want to get laid."
by Twelve-Step slang October 24, 2004
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1. The informal "sir" used by jazzmen and other hipsters. The coolest and most popular usage of the word.

2. What slaves used to call the dumbshit rednecks with more guns (slave masters) for short.

3. Something Jar Jar Binks says in his dialogue for no reason... that asshat.
Yesss sa' - he can slap dat bass like a desperate hooka's ass!
by Bebop Anonymous June 23, 2005
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