The reverse of road dome. The driver (generally a female) takes her attention off the wheel and gives the passneger, a male, a blow job. As the girl is preoccupied giving the blowjob the man controls the wheel to insure the couples safety.
Bro #1: Dude i totally got my girlfriend to give me doad rome on the way back from Canada.

Bro #2: Sick dude i tried to get my girlfriend to do that but she was being a total bitch.

Bro #1: Yeah dude, too bad the interior of my car is totally fucked up now, oh well it was worth the immaculate pleasure!
by Doad romer 29 January 16, 2010
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A phrase uttered when you do something because everybody around you is doing it. shortened version of "when in Rome, do as the Romans do"

also a new wave band from the eighties, their big hit was "the promise" which can be heard in Napoleon Dynamite
I feel like something with synthesizers, pop in that When in Rome cd
by George Washington Christ December 24, 2004
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A radio host that isn't afraid to tell it like it is which is one of the reasons he is so popular and also hated too.
Jim Rome is the best host on talk radio.
by rome clone November 1, 2004
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Jim Rome is an annoying sports talk show host that peaked in the 90's. Rome uses tired catch phrases and is all style and no substance. His TV shows change times and networks often because they are boring shows.
Jim Rome is as annoying as Screamin A. Smith
by Bukkake the porno clown November 9, 2006
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The Burrito.
It will defy all.
It will win against all.
It's hot sauce level is over 9000.

Rome 4 Permaban. :)
Rome's Burrito was stolen.
by Redemption@neo August 18, 2009
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The name of the character from the unwritten 8th Harry Potter book whose formal title is The Roming Knight.
I saw Rome the other day, and he was totally checking out Bellatrix Lestrange.
by rome1325 June 28, 2009
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Adjective - drunk, inebriated; inability to function properly;

Ja-romed - the act of; disabled
"He drank until he was ja-romed, last night."

"Yesterday my car was ja-romed, so I took it to the shop."
"Stop, before you ja-rome."
by Marissa jane August 14, 2017
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