Fucking dead

Lizzie’s in a box, in a box, Lizzie’s in a box!
Josh: Hey did you hear Queen Elizabeth II died!
Tammy: Hell yeah!
by IFINALLYFOUNDYOU September 20, 2022
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A lonely, desolate, edge of the world, bum-fuck middle of nowhere group of islands north of Canada where a couple underpaid scientists conduct meaningless environmental research.
Ignorant Friend: Dude, north of Canada is the North Pole and Santa and all that shit right?

You: No, there's a bunch of mountainous, incredibly cold islands just above it. They're called the Queen Elizabeth Islands, and my dad says it's easier to live in Detroit than it is there.

Recently-Enlightened Friend: Damn. How does he know?

You: He went to college for "Environmental Problems", only got an associate's degree, and he was exiled there.
by Lord of Ballyhoo September 26, 2011
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The Queen Elizabeth is a popular dance move that people of all ages are doing. This dance involves putting your left arm a 90 degree angle leanings the back side of your hand down at your left hip. Subsequently, your right hand is making a tall "c" shape as you twist it back and forth while moving your whole right arm left and right (similar to how Queen Elizabeth waves). While all this is going on you are required to bounce/sway to the music. All of these motions are called "the Queen Elizabeth". It has been trending around the Midwest and even the south in popular spring break locations. Additionally, it has been becoming exponentially popular in Eastern European night clubs.
by Red magic December 5, 2014
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person 1:omg. did you hear?
person 2: what?
person 1:jimmy queen elizabethed (died)
person 2:omg.
by mynameischikychikychikychiky September 29, 2022
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Ur mom no actually queen Elizabeth or commonly known as queen Lizzy or lizzy as tommyinnit calls her is a immortal being unable to die her now deceased husband is gone and died of sneezing
Tommyinnit: oh Queen Elizabeth is so hot


Tommyinnit:*continues to drool over her*
by Ur mom<3 ooooo November 9, 2021
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