A genre of music. Pop refers to 'popular'

This genre of music is generally listened to by the wild fag.
"What's that playing on the radio?"

"Pop music"

"No wonder i hear fags"
by Erik N. Maknov March 31, 2014
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1. Music without meaning and/or substance.
2. Music that is made just because it is catchy and/or "dancable"
3. Music that is upbeat and/or light and is rarely good.
Pop music artists include:
Justin Bieber.
Miley Cyrus.
Lil Wayne (pop-rap).
Green Day (pop-punk)
Jonas Brothers.
Good Pop artists:
My Chemical Romance (pop-punk)
by Yale L. June 20, 2010
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While originally it was defined solely as merely meaning popular music, the term has evolved, with a second definition.

This newer use defines mostly mainstream music. Catchy, simpler rhythms, repeating chorus, minimal (or no) guitar, heavy drum beats, streamlined lyrics that don't really have a deeper meaning, and so on. Acts such as Britney Spears, Lily Allen, late 80's/early 80's-on Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera, and the like... would not be categorized as rock, hip hop, R&B (while a common element of pop music), metal, blues, or anything else... it would be categorized as "Pop Music". It is a genre as well as a term referring to music that is popular.
Pop music
Pop songs
Michael Jackson
Britney Spears
Lily Allen
Christina Aguilera
Lady Gaga
Kate Nash
The Jackson 5
Ricky Martin
The Spice Girls
Billy Joel
Early Beatles
by Lemony Flavor October 16, 2009
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Oops, did you mean to type in poop music?
Person #1: I hate poop music.
Person #2: Don't you mean pop music?
by Crilbus Bowlingfaggot October 14, 2019
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Pop Music is just like cancer to your ears; you don't like it and therefore you try to avoid it by staying away from it. However, sometimes it leaks out into your system and can cause serious sickness and in some cases, death.

Sadly, quite a few people, especially teens, expose themselves to high levels of it. This can lead to serious consequences later in life.
Pop Music sucks, and it's only getting worse.
by Boeing777-300 November 4, 2016
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A mediocre, profit-oriented style of music with no real value. Pop music typically follows a formula guaranteed to make the most money. Because of this, nearly all pop music is completely unoriginal.
All this pop music is driving me crazy!!
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good charlotte, simple plan, avril lavigne, blink 182, yellowcard and all those other sucky bands are now "pop music" in the 90's it was Britney, NSYNC and backstreet boys. Yes, good charlotte is today's NSYNC
Me: What type of music do you like
Person: Umm....good charlotte, yellowcard, taking back sunday
Me: Ew, stop listening to that sucky pop music and put in some Leftover Crack
by ARGH August 16, 2004
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