POODL is an ERC-20 deflationary token. In particular, 1% of every transaction is automatically burned and another 1% is redistributed to holders. This increases scarcity of the supply of POODL tokens, which means that every POODL holder has a strong incentive to hold tokens and spread the use of POODL.

As the trading volume increases and the number of transactions rises, every holder will increase its supply and benefit from the augmented scarcity.

The backbone of POODL is its community. In fact, our growth model is exponential and we expect it to keep being that way for a long time.
Poodle 1: Hey, have you heard about the new POODL token?
Poodle 2: Woof, woof, yes I have, I've purchased some myself! I'm an early investor.
Poodle 1: Woof, now buckle up, HOODL POODL, next destination is the moon! 🚀

by André Delacroix March 20, 2021
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Less of a man,a man with bitchassness, less of a real DOG,
Man is whinning after being stood up: "stop acting like a poodle"
by SMS08 October 3, 2008
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A dergatory word for a guy who acts feminine but isn't gay.

Orgin:LA 90s
"man... what a poodle".
by LEC2 May 8, 2003
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putting shit under a car door handle
1. i'm gonna poodle that truck that always parks there.
2. let's get drunk and go poodling.
3. you hath poodled me for thy last time.
by WGTM September 2, 2012
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"poodle" basically means "suck," but because my teacher says "suck" is a bad word (shoutout to Mr. Cross), he tells us to replace it with "poodle".

*this is not the same "poodle" as the dog breed
"My wifi poodles so I turned off my camera."

"This food poodles!"
"Ughhhh, today poodled" (hehe I just made up the word "poodled" too, so "poodled" is the past tense of poodle)
by watermelon.lover November 7, 2020
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1. When confused/muddled.
2. When violently confused/muddled.
3. When disturbed.
'This mathematical equation has me terribly poodled!'

by Kate Dyer August 29, 2008
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