Nickname for a dick who plays Pokémon Go!
"Did you see that guy? He drove right past me and almost hit me with his car!"
"Yeah, he's a real pogo."
by Caralavsyu July 14, 2016
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The act of playing Pokemon Go without a care in the world
I was pogoing all day because my phone said there was a dragonite nearby, but I never found the bastard.
by AgentDaleCooper July 7, 2016
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When someone is hanging from the ceiling with bungee cords straight up and down and a man is laying on his back with an erection and the person is bungeeing up and down with their mouth on his erect penis.
I had that bitch pogoing on me last night
by Naybee June 28, 2021
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An abbreviation of the popular iOS game, Pokemon Go. Where players walk around and catch Pokemon on their phones.
Ben: What's Bob doing?

Gary: He's playing PoGo
Bob: Sick another Bulbasaur!
by Fourteefour July 13, 2016
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When someones penis becomes so hard that they can hop around on it like a little pogo stick.
His penis was so hard that he hopped down the street on it. He had a case of pogo-penis.
by The wingwang man December 7, 2021
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A German song sung by Frauenarzt & Manny Marc, which has gained popularity due to the highly catchy, repetitive chorus of "Disco pogo, dingelingeling, dingelingeling, und alle atzen sing'".

You can often find animated GIFs of characters wearing multiple glow-necklaces that change frames with the beat of the music.
Disco pogo, dingelingeling.

It should all come flooding back from there.
by Kaytarah December 27, 2011
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1. Used to insult someone who takes dick up the ass.

2. Someone who likes dick.

3. Crude and insulting word for gay.
"dave is such a fag"

"yeah, he's a fucking pogo artist."
by big red car November 29, 2012
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