A very racist term for irish travelers that F**kers that got raped by their dads use that word. Damn i hate rascists not all irish travelers dont. Steal,Swindle,Trick people of their money. Some make a honest living. Luckly this is the one of the few posts that dosent do a racsist definition.
by Dojack March 3, 2006
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ey,a pikey es me moff e my ma, werse a ma vis a sikle wissou a be o pikee in us oll.
Ifn we ner leaf eer eel ner get thar.
by Darn September 1, 2003
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A Pikey is a 'mush' (often pronounced 'mish') that can be found stealing and selling alloys often for use on Esorts or Fiesta's. Similar to Towney scum (who wear socks tucked into their kappa tracksuit trousers...), only with a different (strained) accent. Phrases may include: 'Go-on look, mish', 'Batastoosis', Blood Cunt, Curry Cunt and Chored, etc...
"I'll ave yr eyes out u curry bastad! Give me dem alloys mish b4 i ram me transit into yr caravan..."
by Carl June 8, 2004
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The thick lad off Dads Army.
You stupid boy Pikey or sometimes Dont tell him Pikey.
by David Webster December 3, 2004
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a word that could only be used by someone with limited intellience, but thinks they know everything.

a word used by someone with no self respect, who likes to jump on the band-wagon rather than thinking for themselves.

a word used in humour or hatred but often linked to a person who probably has never had a conversation with a Gypsy/Traveller person because they are too gutless.

a bigotted term to boost an insuffiently formed ego, probably of some loser who sits down the pub from the time it opens putting the world to rights, and wakes up the following day with piss down his trousers.
pikeys are this...pikeys are that...can you lend me a few quid, i've run out of fags etc etc
by romanyfriendrhiannon August 13, 2004
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Has any of ye even met a pikey(but i prefer to be called a traveller)just to set the record straight,they dont marry their brothers or sisters,as ye know it alls stuipidly say.I know a few buffers and ye are the most ignorant and racist people i've ever had the misfortune to meet.
When used to refer to either Irish Travellers or Gypsies, it is considered to have racist connotations; even when it refers to others, many people still consider it to be derogatory and offensive. "Pikey" is equally frequently used as an adjective
by Nora Mongan March 25, 2007
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derogatory term used by people lacking any formal education, to decribe a tribe of travelling people,be they Irish , hippies or Romany descendants.
Imagine a person full of hate and anger talking to someone who is also ignorant of other cultures, saying
'they be pikies over there'
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