Noun. Someone who says some stupid shit and believes their right after someone calls them out as being a Dumbass, idiot, retard, Etc.
(Sarah): Please join Todd and I as we prey for the people in Ebola.
(John): Are you a idiot? Ebola isn't a country.
(Sarah): Yes it is.
(John): Are you a Fuck Nut?
by Urbanwiz June 8, 2017
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Something you say to someone in a fit of rage or displeasure. Synonymous with the word idiot, only ten times more effective.
You dropped my phone in the toilet, you fucking Fuck Nut!
by hicksoutfordarambe August 18, 2016
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Usually said when something goes wrong
"Oh fuck nuts" said Paul as he dropped his pint
by Freddy January 31, 2003
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What does that fuck nut character look like? Oh yeah, a sideways upside down L.
by Store November 28, 2007
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A person Being really up tight and on your case allot.Also used for a different word when pissed off at someone.
Why are you all ways in the way...and do you all ways play video games all the time holy fuck...??(P.M.S.)....yes i do play video games all the time Fuck Nut got a problem with it??
by Chich'n'Chong May 9, 2008
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