noot: (n.) a nose
noot: (v.) to rub one's nose on something or someone.
(n.) "I can't smell that. My noot is stuffed up."
(v.) "My cat Frank was happy that I fed him, so he nooted me."
by Edgecrusher77 December 11, 2006
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When someone ask you to do something and you say no for a week thats nooting sometimes people ar just lazy
me:myles can you get the remote for me.
myles:man stop nooting and no.
by @braceface_gglao February 7, 2019
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One of the many definitions of nooted describes obliterating a person of less skill then you in any subject. Nooted is not always used seriously and can be a joke in memes. Famous celebrities that have used "nooted" are the Noot Penguin
New Player: "PLS stop I am new to the game!"
Professional Sweat: "lmao get nooted"
by DorimesTheCheems May 6, 2021
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used in pingo to talk to other penguins
NOOT NOOT said pingo
by trncfv December 12, 2017
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A sound geezer/gal, who is apart of a cult that exercises 'nooting' on a regular basis. If you know you know you know, if you don't, get to know. Noots form a special bond and can locate each other in public by performing the noot call; "NOOT NOOT!!" . Many have tried but all have failed to be a noot because they are simply not sound enough.
Cait, Ellie, Em, Ben, Suitcase (Max), Leon and Sophie are noots
by papinoot May 7, 2016
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lame, dumb, retarted, intechangible with wack
Person 1: Hey do you want to go to a party tomorow.
Person 2: No I want to stay home and play Pokemon
Person 1: Wow fool your noot as fuck.
Person 2: I dont act like a loser on purpose
by ryan and julian goon June 30, 2010
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