A term of endearment used amongst friends, typically African-American people or those couple of fucked-up white dudes that think they're pretty badass.
1. Sup, nigs? (Black)

2. Hello, nigs, let us go to the grocery store and buy us a couple of bottles of that fizzy water. (White)
by doroga287 December 1, 2006
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To say, do, act, and things that a nigger would do.
Devin: I raped a whigger.
Calvin: You must be nigging me.
by Calvin and Devin February 18, 2004
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Originally meaning "Not In Goals", NIGS has now come to mean disclaiming responsibility for doing anything. It is used usually when stoned and not arsed doing something.
Mild laziness -
"Somebody fix the music! More music!"

More serious laziness -
"Shit, look, he's overdosing! Somebody ring an ambulance!"
by kopf April 4, 2004
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When you go to pick up your friend or to their house and they don't open the door, or is used as a sexual term to tell a bitch to open her legs
by Arse-wad February 5, 2018
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To have an mishap pertaining to one being put into a unfortunate situation.
1. When we went down to the shore, Sheronda nigged me out of 45 bucks.

2. On the drive home, I had the feeling I was being nigged.

3. Kev- Hey, Joey, can I bum a cig?
Joey- No!
Kev- Are you niggin me?

4. I got nigged.
by Joseph Cosello June 8, 2005
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I'm a raceist and use the word "nigs" to decribe black people in a derogatory manor.
by Pat January 23, 2005
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Nig is the fifth level on the scale of blackness, which defines a sort of neutrality between being black and white. They are the offspring of a black parent and a white parent.

The scale of blackness goes in order as follows:
Basement Dweller, White Trash, White, Cracker, Nig, Sweet-Grass Basket Maker, Black, Nigger.
Nigs are also known as: mulatto, Blackrican-American, whack, or, a half-assed nigger.

"That kid's sure lucky he's a nig, or I'd beat his ass for saying nigger." (Couldn't come up with a better example, sorry).
by ncstatemike April 10, 2012
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